Saturday, May 9, 2009


I forget sometimes how old I am. Probably because I never had kids. No babies to calendar my own longevity of life -- so now when I have a reason to know, it blows me away ~~ I'm old enough to have grandchildren ~ OMG!
Way back when I was a pre-teen Mother told me skin care is the best thing one could do to stay young "looking" so I began the regime I keep to this day. Why, oh why Lord, did I look in that mirror? I don't like mirrors (never have) but something made me and to my chagrin I have a deep wrinkle between my eyes - it's shaped like the Honda emblem.
Perpetually worried or p.o'ed is not 'young looking' .... Mother never told me there'd be days like this! How long has it been there? If I had to have a car emblem in the middle of my face, why Honda? Why not Jaguar? or Mercedes?
At least I'd look expensive.
Now, I've upped the ante in skin care. No more pre teen night creams ~~ they make for Honda faces. Now I have a deep wrinkle that will, hopefully, diminish and become the Leaping Cat I deserve.
As my mother-in-law would have said .... 'oy vey' .....
(looking young and refreshed at '40-something')

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